Back2CAD AI Technologies, LLC
601 Cleveland St, Suite 310
Clearwater, FL 33755 USA
End Licensees agree not to alter, reverse engineer or disassemble the Software Application. End Licensees will not copy the Licensed Software except:
(i) as necessary to read the Software Application from the media into the memory of a computer solely for the purpose of executing it on a single machine (whether a stand-alone computer or a workstation component of a multi-terminal system), or
(ii) to create an archival copy. End Licensees agree that any such copies of the Software Application shall contain the same proprietary notices which appear on, and in the Software Application.
End Licensees may not distribute, rent, loan, lease, sell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer all or any portion of the Software Application, or any rights granted in this Agreement, to any other person without the prior written consent of Licensee.
Based on IntelliCAD 10.1a, Copyright © IntelliCAD Technology Consortium. All rights reserved.
Based on ODA™ for .DWG files 2003-2022 by Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.
SoftwareKey, Copyright © SoftwareKey Inc.
DWG is the native and proprietary file format for AutoCAD® and a trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
"CADirect" is Trademark of Back2CAD AI Technologies, LLC, USA
"Print2CAD" is Trademark of Back2CAD AI Technologies, LLC, USA
\Back2CAD” is Trademark of Back2CAD AI Technologies, LLC, USA
"Kazmierczak" is Registered Trademark of Kazmierczak Software GmbH, Germany
"DeepView" is Registered Trademark of Kazmierczak Software GmbH, Germany