CADGPT™ 2025 ™ - AI Expert System for CAD Users

App for AutoCAD and all other CAD Systems. Powered by Elaine CAD Bot, ChatGPT and Amazon AWS.
Supports English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Korean

US $ 199 (annual subscription)

CADGPT™ 2025 - Artificial intelligence Assistant for all tasks related to CAD work and CAD design. Powered by ChatGPT and Expert Robotics Tools. AI Calculator, AI Transaltions, ObjectARX and LISP code Generator, CAD Emails Generator. CAD Support 24/7.

It is enriched with multilingual support. The questions you ask our AI do not have to be grammatically correct; they must, however, cover all aspects of the topic. Our AI highly appreciates human-like conversations.

Our AI Android Elaine is readily available for you to chat about anything related to CAD, and more. With our AI, you can effortlessly generate CAD emails on any subject or enhance your CAD texts to impeccable business English.

CADGPT™ 2025 Functions:

  • AI Chat - chat supported by ChatGPT and Expert Robotics tools.
  • AI Calculator - calculator created for complicated architectual and engineering calculation using different usints.
  • AI Generate Email or Letter - creation of any business communication.
  • AI Generate Text to Subject - generates perfect text to any subject.
  • AI Rewrite Text - rewrites any text about any subject.
  • AI Transalte Text - translates text into English, German, Italina, Spanish, Polish, French and Portuguese.
  • AI Generate Code Snippet - creates LISP, Object ARX, Visual Basic, Visual Lisp, AutoLisp, DWG Script, C#, C++ source code that can be utilized in AutoCAD. CADGPT™ 2025 produces code for every topic, along with code details and usage samples.
  • CAD Project Step by Step - designed to create a comprehensive plan for any CAD topic, providing clear guidance throughout the project.
  • Research CAD Guidelines - investigate every CAD project for necessary policies and guidelines.
  • Research CAD Variables - list of DWG variables relevant to the specified topic.
  • Research CAD Commands - provide a list of DWG commands that are pertinent to the given subject.